Motorcycle accidents can be devastating, especially when the cause of the accident is reckless driving. Our attorneys at Dallas Horton & Associates are highly knowledgeable about the laws and regulations surrounding reckless driving in Las Vegas, Nevada, and are committed to helping victims receive the justice they deserve. Get in touch with us if you are a victim of a motorcycle accident in Las Vegas.

What Constitutes Reckless Driving?

Reckless driving is a term used to describe a range of driving behaviors that put both the driver and others at risk. It is a serious traffic violation and can result in severe fines and even jail time in some states. The most common types of reckless driving include speeding, racing, weaving in and out of traffic, and failure to obey traffic signals and signs.

Speeding is one of the most common forms of reckless driving. Speeding is defined as driving at a speed that is higher than the posted speed limit or faster than the reasonable speed given the conditions. Speeding can increase the likelihood of a crash, as it reduces the time a driver has to react to road hazards.

Weaving in and out of traffic is another type of reckless driving that can be dangerous. This behavior involves changing lanes frequently and without proper signaling, which can confuse other drivers. Weaving in and out of traffic also takes the driver’s attention away from the road, making them less likely to respond to potential hazards.

Failure to obey traffic signals and signs is also a type of reckless driving. Traffic signals and signs are there to keep drivers, pedestrians, and cyclists safe. Ignoring them can confuse and put other people at risk.

What to Do After a Motorcycle Accident Caused by Reckless Driving

If you or a loved one have been injured in a motorcycle accident caused by reckless driving, you may feel overwhelmed and uncertain of what steps to take. Knowing what to do after a motorcycle accident is important to ensure that you receive the compensation and justice you deserve.

The first step after a motorcycle accident is to seek medical attention. Even if your injuries appear minor, it is important to visit a doctor as soon as possible. This will ensure that any injuries are properly diagnosed and treated and will also help to provide evidence of the extent of your injuries if needed for a personal injury claim.

The next step is to document the scene of the accident. If you are able, take pictures of the scene, any damaged property, and any visible injuries. Also, try to get the contact information of any witnesses who may have seen the accident. It is also important to document any medical treatments that you received.

Once you have received medical attention and documented the accident, you should contact an experienced motorcycle accident lawyer. A lawyer can advise you on the best course of action and help you understand the legal process. A lawyer can also review the evidence to determine who is at fault and can help to build a case if necessary.

It is also important to contact the police to report the accident. The police can investigate the accident and may be able to provide an official report which can be used as evidence in a personal injury claim. It is also important to contact your insurance company to report the accident as soon as possible.

Common Injuries Sustained in a Motorcycle Accident

Motorcycle accidents can be catastrophic injuries, leading to serious and life-altering consequences. Motorcyclists are more likely to be injured or killed in an accident than those in cars or other vehicles. The most common types of injuries sustained in a motorcycle accident include head injuries, broken bones, and road rash.

 Head Injuries

 Head injuries are some of the most common and severe injuries that can result from a motorcycle accident. Because motorcyclists are not protected by a vehicle, they are more vulnerable to traumatic brain injuries and head trauma. Common head injuries sustained in a motorcycle accident include skull fractures, concussions, and traumatic brain injuries. Head injuries can lead to long-term disability and even death.

Broken Bones

Broken bones are also common in motorcycle accidents. The force of the impact can cause serious fractures and broken bones, often resulting in long-term physical disability. Common bone fractures sustained in a motorcycle accident include broken legs and arms, broken ribs, and broken hips.

Spinal Cord Injuries

Spinal cord injuries are also common in motorcycle accidents and can have devastating consequences. Even a low-speed crash can cause the rider to experience intense pain and partial or complete paralysis. The severity of the injury is dependent on the force of the crash, as well as the part of the spine that is affected.

Internal Injuries

Internal injuries are another common injury in motorcycle accidents and can include damage to the lungs, liver, and other organs. These injuries can be difficult to diagnose and can sometimes be life-threatening.

Psychological Injuries

Psychological injuries are another common consequence of a motorcycle accident. These can include post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), depression, and anxiety. These psychological injuries can be just as debilitating as physical injuries and can have lasting effects on the rider’s life.

Road Rash

Road rash is another common injury that occurs in motorcycle accidents. Road rash is an abrasion caused by the skin being scraped off when the body slides across the pavement. Road rash can cause serious damage to the skin and lead to infection. It is important to seek medical attention immediately if you have been injured in a motorcycle accident, as road rash can lead to further complications.

Other Injuries Other common injuries sustained in a motorcycle accident include internal injuries, such as internal bleeding and organ damage, spinal cord injuries, and soft tissue injuries. Internal injuries can be challenging to diagnose and can have long-term consequences. Spinal cord injuries can result in paralysis and can have a devastating effect on the victim. Soft tissue injuries can include muscle strains, ligament tears, and tendon injuries.

It is important to seek medical attention as soon as possible after a motorcycle accident, even if you feel like you are not seriously injured. Many of these injuries can have long-term consequences if they are not treated properly.

Damages Recoverable After a Motorcycle Accident Caused by Reckless Driving

Motorcycle accidents caused by reckless driving can be devastating. Victims often suffer significant physical, emotional, and financial losses due to the negligence of the at-fault driver. Fortunately, those injured by another’s negligence may be entitled to compensation for their damages, including medical bills, lost income, pain, suffering, and more.

Medical Bills

Medical bills resulting from a motorcycle accident can be significant, even if the victim sustained minor injuries. Medical bills include not only the cost of immediate emergency care, but also rehabilitation, follow-up care, and any future medical care that may be necessary due to the accident. In some cases, the medical bills can be extensive, depending on the severity of the victim’s injuries.

Lost Income

In addition to medical bills, motorcycle accident victims may be entitled to compensation for lost income. This includes wages or salary lost due to the inability to work, as well as any bonuses, commissions, or benefits that the victim would have received had they been able to return to work.

Pain and Suffering

Pain and suffering is a type of non-economic damage that is designed to compensate accident victims for the physical and emotional pain and suffering that they have endured as a result of the accident. This includes physical pain, emotional distress, mental anguish, loss of enjoyment of life, and more.

Punitive Damages

In some cases, the court may award punitive damages, which are designed to punish the at-fault driver for his or her reckless conduct. Punitive damages are not awarded in all cases but may be available if the court finds that the at-fault driver acted with gross negligence or reckless disregard for the safety of others.

Property Damage

In addition to the above damages, motorcycle accident victims may be entitled to compensation for property damage. This includes damage to the motorcycle itself, as well as any personal property that was damaged in the accident.

Your Rights As A Motorcyclist

Motorcycling is an exciting and thrilling activity that many people enjoy. Motorcyclists have rights and knowing and exercising these rights can help keep bikers safe and protected while out on the road. These rights include:

Motorcyclists have the same rights as other drivers and are thus entitled to the same privileges. This includes the right to share the road, the right to be seen and heard, and the right to have a safe and enjoyable ride.

Motorcyclists have the right to drive safely. This includes the right to ride within the speed limit, wear a helmet, and have proper safety gear. Motorcyclists have the right to be seen and heard, including the right to use their horns and headlights. They also have the right to signal their turns and use their brakes as they deem necessary.

Motorcyclists have the right to be treated fairly, courteously, and with respect. They should be allowed to move through traffic at the same speed as other drivers and not be forced to take longer routes. They should also be given enough space to ride safely and not be crowded out by other drivers.

Motorcyclists have the right to file a complaint if they feel they are being treated unfairly or are being discriminated against. Motorcyclists also have the right to join or form a riding group. This allows them to share the road with fellow bikers and enjoy their time on the road together.

Finally, motorcyclists have the right to be safe. This includes the right to ride without the worry of being involved in an accident, the right to be informed of any safety regulations, and the right to know their rights and responsibilities as a motorcyclist.

Who is Responsible for Motorcycle Accidents Caused by Reckless Driving?

When it comes to motorcycle accidents caused by reckless driving, the most important thing to remember is that the driver of the vehicle is always presumed as the one responsible. This means that if the driver was speeding, tailgating, or weaving in and out of traffic, they are likely to be held liable for any damages or injuries that result from their actions.

In some cases, the motorcycle rider may also be held responsible for an accident. For example, if the rider was not wearing a helmet or other safety equipment, they may be held liable for any injuries they suffer in an accident. Additionally, if the rider was driving recklessly, they may be held responsible for any property damage or personal injury that they cause.

In some cases, other drivers may also be held responsible for an accident caused by a motorcycle rider’s reckless driving. For instance, if another driver was speeding or driving erratically and caused the motorcycle rider to crash their vehicle, they may be held liable for the damages or injuries that result from the accident.

Finally, in some cases, the motorcycle rider may be held responsible for an accident caused by another driver’s reckless driving. For example, if the rider failed to take evasive action to avoid an accident, they may be held liable for any damages or injuries that result from the collision.

Proving Liability After a Motorcycle Accident

As a motorcyclist, it’s important to understand how to prove liability after a motorcycle accident. Doing so can help you receive compensation for medical costs, lost wages, and other damages.

Once the scene of the accident is safe and the police have been called, it’s important to document everything. Take pictures of the accident site, the damage to the vehicles involved, and the injuries suffered by the parties involved. It’s also important to obtain contact information from any other drivers or witnesses, as they can provide valuable testimony during the legal process.

In many cases, the police report filed at the scene of the accident can be a key piece of evidence in proving liability. The report will document the officer’s assessment of the scene and the circumstances that led to the accident. This can include statements from the other driver, any witnesses, and the motorcyclist.

If the other driver’s insurer refuses to accept liability, the motorcyclist may need to hire a personal injury attorney to represent them in court. The attorney will review the evidence collected at the scene of the accident and work with experts to analyze the police report, photos, and other evidence to build a strong case for the client.

The attorney may also use testimony from witnesses, medical experts, and other experts to prove that the other driver was at fault. They may also work to establish that the motorcyclist was not at fault by demonstrating that they were following the rules of the road and safely operating their vehicle.

Once liability has been established, the motorcyclist can then file a lawsuit to receive compensation for any injuries or damages suffered as a result of the accident. The amount of compensation will depend on the severity of the injuries, the financial losses suffered, and other factors.

How to Get Compensation After a motorcycle accident Caused by Reckless Driving

Motorcycle accident victims may be left with serious injuries and medical bills that can be difficult to manage. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to ensure you receive fair compensation for your losses.

The first step is to document the accident. Take photos of the scene, including the damage to your motorcycle and any other vehicles involved. Get contact information from any witnesses, and if possible, get a copy of the police report. Also, make sure to keep all medical records related to your injuries.

Next, you should contact your insurance company. Your insurance policy likely includes coverage for motorcycle accidents. The insurance company will want to know the details of the accident, so be prepared to provide them with your accident documentation. They will also likely require you to fill out a claim form. However, it is important to remember that the insurance company's primary goal is to minimize the amount they pay out, so be sure to read all documents carefully and contact an attorney to review them if necessary.

If the insurance company is not willing to pay a fair amount, you may need to file a lawsuit against the party responsible for the accident. An experienced attorney will be able to guide you through the process and help you develop a legal strategy.

Additionally, if you have been injured in a motorcycle accident, you may be eligible for compensation from state and/or federal programs. Depending on the specifics of the accident, you may be able to receive compensation for medical bills, lost wages, and other financial losses. To find out more about these programs, contact your local government.

Finally, it is important to remember that motorcycle accidents can be extremely traumatic experiences. If you are feeling overwhelmed, seek professional help from a therapist or counselor.

How Can a Personal Injury Attorney Help?

Motorcycle accidents can be devastating, especially when they are caused by the reckless driving of another party. In such cases, a personal injury attorney can be a valuable asset in helping motorcycle accident victims recover the compensation they deserve. When a motorcycle accident occurs due to the reckless driving of another party, the injured rider may be entitled to compensation for their medical bills, lost wages, pain, suffering, and other damages.

A personal injury attorney can help injured riders understand their legal rights and determine if they have a valid case for compensation. The attorney can investigate the accident, speak to witnesses, and gather evidence to build a strong compensation case.

The attorney can also help the injured rider understand the applicable laws and the legal process involved in filing a personal injury claim. The attorney will handle all the paperwork and negotiations involved in the claim process, including filing a lawsuit if necessary. They can also help the injured rider understand their legal options, such as pursuing a settlement or taking the case to court.

A personal injury attorney can also help the injured rider determine the amount of compensation they are entitled to. The attorney can review medical records and other evidence to determine the extent of the rider’s injuries and the impact the accident has had on their life. The attorney can also negotiate with insurance companies and other parties involved in the case to ensure the rider receives the maximum compensation available.

Frequently Asked Questions About Reckless Driving Motorcycle Accidents

Below are some of the Frequently Asked Questions regarding a Motorcycle Accident involving Reckless Driving:

What if the Liable Driver Does Not Have Insurance?

If the other driver does not have insurance, you may still be able to seek compensation for your damages through your own insurance coverage. It is important to speak to an experienced attorney to learn more about your options.

What Type of Evidence Do I Need to Prove That the Other Driver was at Fault in a Motorcycle Accident?

Evidence can include witness statements, photographs of the accident scene, and the police report. Additionally, it is important to obtain any medical records and documentation related to the accident and your injury. An experienced attorney can help you assess the evidence and determine the best way to proceed.

Is There a Way to Prevent Motorcycle Accidents Caused by Reckless Driving?

The best way to prevent motorcycle accidents caused by reckless driving is to always drive carefully and follow the rules of the road. Wearing a helmet and other protective gear can also help reduce the risk of injury in a motorcycle accident. Additionally, motorcyclists should be aware of their surroundings and watch out for other drivers who may be engaging in reckless behavior.

Find a Las Vegas Personal Injury Attorney Near Me

The tragic reality of motorcycle accidents is that they can cause serious, life-altering injuries or even death. If you or a loved one has been injured in a motorcycle accident caused by someone else’s reckless driving, you may be entitled to compensation. Our experienced attorneys at Dallas Horton & Associates have extensive experience in handling cases involving motorcycle accidents caused by reckless driving. We provide a high level of legal representation to our clients in Las Vegas, Nevada. Call us today at 702-380-3100.